Mark Your Calendars! Open Barn and Chicken Pick Up Is Scheduled.

June 3rd is the date! Mark it down now, 6PM to 9PM. Go to our Facebook event and tell us you’re coming. Please bring your friends and share it on Facebook.

Our first batch of pasture raised chicken will be available on June 3rd. It can be picked up right on our farm (processed off farm that morning) that evening and is being offered at $16 for a 4-5 lb dressed bird.
While here for your birds we will also have available our beef by the cut/lb or by the 1/8 beef (new this year). You can also try some of our beef products that you may have never tried in your 1/4 or 1/2 beef. Items like our beef breakfast sausage, summer sausage or beef snack sticks.
Plus, we plan to have the grill fired up, filled with samples of our beef and chicken.
While here (time and weather allowing) we would love to show you and your family around the farm a little so you can see how Food is Raised Right.
Contact us to reserve your chickens today! or

Happy Trails,

The Furbee Family

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